WhatsApp Journey Report

This journey report gives you a detailed view of the staggering messages sent and received across the WhatsApp.

This allows the business to track the journey performance sent over the WhatsApp.

To view the WhatsApp Journey Report, navigate to Journey->Reports.

Search by Journeys

You can view the detailed WhatsApp report by searching the WhatsApp journeys based on the journey name, environment, From Date and To Date between which the messages are sent and received, and customer number with country code.

This report contains the following details:

A unique context Identifier (Context Id) for each conversation with a user. Click Context Id to view the detailed context report.

Mobile number of the customer

Date and Time on which the conversation started across WhatsApp

Last Replied Message of the customer

The State of the conversation (Valid Values: Waiting, Chatting, Completed)

Context Report

Using Context Report, you can view the flow of the conversation between agents and customers.


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